Why you should use us

1. We will give you value for money, providing an expert, efficient and friendly service at a fair price. Buying a company registration service is not like buying a book or a CD. Wherever you buy a CD, it will be the same product. This is not true of a company registration service. You need people of experience, expertise and integrity, who are happy to deal with your questions and get the service right for you. Such service requires high calibre staff, who need to be reasonably paid.

2. We offer an expert, reliable, friendly service, capable of dealing with all your company formation and company secretarial needs. We have been in this business since 1978 and all work is done under the supervision of the directors, who are well-qualified and experienced (see about us). We have the in-house expertise to draft special articles, devise special share structures, shareholders' agreements, act as company secretary, advise on brand name protection, trade marks, etc. We offer a full after-sales service, looking after you and your company on a continuing basis, if you need it. Our experts at Community Companies CIC and Company Law Solutions provide a depth of expertise not generally available.

3. Most of our work is done for solicitors and accountants who have used us for many years. Please read what some of our long-standing professional clients say about us.

4. When you send us instructions we will not just send them off to Companies House to be registered without proper examination. We will check the name for availability, not just for identical names, but also for names that are similar, and to see if the name includes any sensitive words that may cause a problem. If there appears to us to be a potential problem, we will contact you before sending the company to be registered. We will also check the other details, so that any apparent errors are rectified. Many agents are not so careful to protect your interests;

5. You don't have to buy on-line. It is convenient to do so, but we recognise that not everyone is comfortable with using the internet in this way. We do need written confirmation (which can be by letter, fax or email), but we are happy to work out the details with you by telephone first, if you prefer.

6. We carry professional indemnity insurance to cover the extremely unlikely event that anything goes wrong.