Reviewing articles of association

We prepare a report on the company's current articles of association to explain their effect. We make recommendations as to any amendments to the company's articles which may be required to ensure that they meet the requirements of that particular company under the Companies Act 2006. Following such review, you may want to use one or more of our other services, such as

It is vitally important that a company's articles contain the provisions that are right for that company. This is particularly the case where there are two or more directors or shareholders as the protection of their rights and interests in the company depend on the articles. See our introduction to articles for more information.

When reviewing articles, we need details about the company, the number of directors, shareholders and their shareholdings, as well as any particular issues of concern that have prompted the request for a review. Our report will then deal with the important issues.

Since the introduction of the new Model Articles in October 2009, many companies have reviewed their existing documentation to see if their (memorandum and) articles should be updated.

Costs will be based on a time basis at £100 per hour plus VAT. In many cases the articles to be reviewed are standard documents from a well-known source and we will be able to review their contents and report back for as little as £50 plus VAT, but in all cases we will provide an estimated cost once in receipt of detailed instructions and request acceptance of the cost before proceeding with any work. See our prices guide for benchmark costs.

Following a review of the existing provisions, any amendments may need to be drafted and the new articles adopted by following the procedures under the Companies Act 2006.

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